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KinderChurch Year Two is one of the few curriculums which teaches preschoolers Pentecostal worship.
The goal of KinderChurch Year Two is to lead young children into a relationship with Jesus and then develop that relationship into a passionate love for God. Young children may not have the attention spans that adults have, but they are fully capable of worshipping Jesus with all their hearts. Worship transcends all generations and cultures. Toddlers will respond to anointed praise and worship. If an upbeat praise song begins in church, they will naturally start dancing to the beat of the music. If we will take time, there is much we can learn from little children about loving God.

Volume 5

Leading Preschool Children Into A Salvation Experience
The most important story we can teach young children is the life and death of
Jesus Christ. We need to teach them who Jesus is, why He came to earth,
and how He died in the cross and rose again. Preschool children are
not too young to receive Jesus as their Savior. Jesus is My Friend
is designed to tell the story of Jesus with the goal in mind of
leading children to make a decision for Jesus Christ.

Lesson titles include: Who Jesus Is?, Why Did Jesus Come?, What Is Sin?,
Why Did Jesus Die?, The Resurrection, Born Again,
Jesus Is My Friend, and What Is Heaven Like?

Volume 6

Leading Preschool Children Into The Basics Of Christian Growth
These lessons are basic Christianity. They will teach young children at an
early age about why we go to church, and why we pray and read our Bible.
These will be tools that will strengthen their relationship with God. You may say,
"They can't read." They may not be able to, but we are teaching principles here.
If they get it when they are young, they won't forget it.

Lesson titles include: Read The Bible, Listen To God's Word,
Pray Everyday, Go To Church
and much more.

Volume 7

Leading Preschool Children Into A Walk Of Obedience
These lessons are very important for a young child to learn. If they
learn to obey their mums and dads, they will be able to obey anyone in
authority over them, including God. These in-depth lessons take children
on a journey of walking in obedience. It Pays To Obey doesn't focus
on rigid rules but on heartfelt bedience.
Lesson titles include: Obedience Brings Success, Obeying God, Obeding Authority,
Honor Your Parents, Honor The Lord
and much more.

Volume 8

This Volume of lessons teaches preschoolers about the greatest
commandment, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your
heart." Loving God focuses on teaching young children how
to worship our heavenly Father and how to let Him love
us back. You will have as much fun teaching about
worship as your preschoolers will have learning it.

Here's what You Get!
* 52 Easy-To-Use Lesson Plans
* 4 Quarterly Leaders Manuals, each with
their own 3-ring binder
* Teacher Training Information
* 48 Pre-School Object Lessons
* 48 Captivating Bible Stories
* 48 Puppets Skits
* 4 Hand Puppets
Lambi-a cuddly lamb
Chuck-a church mouse
Buster-a lovable dalmation
Levi-a wise toucan bird
* 4 Fun-Filled Review Games
* 4 Pre-School Praise & Worship Tapes
Jesus Is My Best Friend
Take Time to Worship
Orange Ya Glad Ya Love Jesus
Holy Ghost & Fire
* 52 Lesson-Coordinated Reproducible Color Pages
* Teacher Aids
Celebrating Jesus Banner
Class Chart
Community Helpers Visual Aids
Set of Musical Instruments
* 196 Learning Center Activities (for small group teaching)
KinderChurch May Be Purchased Quarterly for $174:95AUD.
* * Prices may vary due to changing exchange rates * *
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